Quad Pot Adapter Board
Design > Adapter Boards
Quad Pot Adapter Board
This board has four potentiometers and four push buttons and attaches most appropriately at positions A, B and E.
See photo gallery HERE.
When attached to the Arduino Nano Adapter Board at position A the pushbutton switches and potentiometers are connected to the analog inputs A0 through A7 as follows.
Switches S1 through S4 can be identified by the labels on the PCB.
- S1 is connected to A4
- S2 is connected to A6
- S3 is connected to A1
- S4 is connected to A7
Potentiometers P1 through P4 are directly opposite switches S1 through S4 and do not have separate labels on the PCB.
- P1 is connected to A3
- P2 is connected to A5
- P3 is connected to A0
- P4 is connected to A2