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Intellectual Property and Copyright Policy is HERE.
Hazard and Risk Policy is HERE.
This is the world wide web, not the wild wild west. Common decency and mutual respect is one of our core values.
Intellectual Property and Copyright Policy
There is a "safe haven" provision in patent and copyright law that permits a certain amount of flexibility in that a person that copies a small amount of information for the purpose of education or discussion cannot be accused of illegal plagarism. This website intends to live within that safe harbor. If the reader feels that the website has stepped outside of this provision, the reader should let the website authors know using the http forms on this website or the contact information on the contact page HERE.
Similarly, the information on this website should be regarded as "prior art" and the normal work product of persons "knowledgeable in the art". The readers and contributors are individually responsible for protecting their patent rights or other rights and should not presume to attempt to patent information, designs, "inventions" or any other bit of information from this site. The authors and contributors reserve the right to create derivative works and patent such works but agree that such works will NOT be disclosed on this website before submitting any appropriate patent application or applications.
The reader should NOT assume that information on this website is NOT encumbered by patents owned by the other website authors or other entities or individuals that are not authors or contributors to this website.
Dangers, Hazards and Risks
The reader, visitor or other user of this website accepts responsibility for the use or applicaton of all the information on this website. The information is provided for informational and educational purposes only. YOU are responsible for how you use the information on this Robot DHQ website.