More About Us
More About Us and the Robot-DHQ Website
Robot Design HQ intends to accomplish this goal using a team concept. Anyone who makes helpful suggestions to the group is to be considered a member of our team. The next level of involvement is "editor". The editor is authorized to make changes to portions of the website content and only needs to demonstrate good judgment and common sense to maintain their status as editor. The next higher level of involvement is "expert". The expert can also make any changes and additions to the website that are consistent with the expert's area of expertise. We are not exactly in the same class as a Wiki but that is the general idea.
The overarching intent and goal is to enable the Robot-DHQ community to build a succession of robots with progressively more advanced abilities. The ultimate goal is to build a robot with abillities that approach those of robots we have seen portrayed on the movie screen.
We extend to you the sincere invitation to explore our website, to understand our vision and consider how you would like to contribute. Suggestions are welcome! Thank you.
We invite you to read our vision statement HERE.