Logic Power - Robot DHQ

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Logic Power

Design > Power Supplies
Logic Power

Ground is common to servos and logic nodes but power is provided separately. This helps to protect the logic nodes from the voltage drop that servos may cause.

Logic power is 5 volts and digital communications is at TTL levels. Analog signals on Robot DHQ cables should be limited to 0-5 volts DC. Exceptions are at the discretion of the maker, but of course the maker is ultimately responsible in any case for any consequences. The main idea behind this design decision is to protect the logic from high voltages on the Robot DHQ cables. The servo adapter board is a particular instance and example of how to implement this design decision.

Logic power in most cases is supplied through the micro-USB connector on the Arduino Nano board.

Always bear in mind that ground is common in the Robot DHQ design.

Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
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