Power Supplies
Design > Power Supplies
Power Supplies
A few comments about power supplies in general are appropriate.
1. Power supplies for servos are in most cases electrically separate from power supplies for logic. This is so that sudden power demands will not cause microprocessor based logic components to reset. Logic power supply details are HERE. Servo power supply details are HERE.
2. Most adapter boards are passive as far as on-board electronics is concerned. At the same time routing for power must be considered. Many adapter boards are designed in such a way that they can function as power distribution nodes. This is especially true of the Arduino Nano Adapter board. The user is responsible for adding up the current requirements of the specific implementation. This comment is particularly applicable to logic power. Notes on particular adapter boards are HERE.
3. Auxilliary boards and adapter boards that contain onboard transistors, microprocessors, capacitors and inductors should appear under a heading of electronics. There are no boards that fit this description in the current design. Also, there are no boards in the current Robot DHQ design dedicated to the power supply function.
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