About Servo Procs
Design > Procedures > Servo Procedures
About Servo Procedures and the Servo Control Module
The Robot-DHQ Servo Control Module outputs PWM control signals using an Arduino sketch. It does not use Arduino PWM. One consequence of this is that any digital output can output a PWM control signal. Digital outputs are routed to positions B, C, D and E on the Arduino Nano Adapter board. Which digital outputs are routed to which positions is in the table available HERE. The table can be viewed and printed.
The primary intended use of the Servo Adapter board is to attach servos but it can also be used to connect sensors to analog inputs. This means that it can be used at any position on the Nano Adapter board depending on your needs. However, position A only exposes analog inputs so servos cannot be controlled when the servo adapter is attached at that position. More about the Servo Adapter board is HERE.
Sample commands that control the PWM pulse width of a servo attached using a Servo Adapter board connected at position C can be viewed HERE.