NanoTest Utility
Design > Software
The NanoText Utility
This program is useful to understand and debug hardware configurations. It is used to identify and correlate the connections on the adapter boards in terms of the Arduino Nano pin numbers. It operates with single characters commands using the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor or other terminal program.
These are the single-character commands.
? or h produces a brief command summary.
a lists the results of an analog read of each of the analog inputs.
d lists the results of a digital read of each of the digital inputs except for D0 and D1 which are the console serial pins.
i or r produces a combination report of the results of the a and d commands.
c toggles between the continuous flashing output mode and the simple digital toggle mode.
These digits and characters select the corresponding digital pin. The particular action depends on whether the continuous flashing mode is active.
The digits 2 through 9 toggle the output of pins 2 through 9.
The letters j, k, l and m toggle the output of pins 10 through 13.
When in continuous flashing mode the action of the selected pin toggles between flashing and not flashing. When transitioning from flashing to not flashing the pin may be left either HIGH or LOW which ever instruction is last given before the c command is executed.
When not in continuous flashing mode the selected pin is simply toggled back and forth between HIGH and LOW. Messages on the serial output reflect the command actions.