About Our Design - Robot DHQ

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About Our Design

Design > General Info
About our Design

Attributes of good design seem obvious to the qualified designer. But, it is good to take note of these attributes and mention them here.

Every element of the Robot HDQ design has been carefully examined and thoughtfully selected. Changes are also subject to this process.  The place to start to propose a change is to engage with the team by submitting a comment or suggestion. Some of these will be openly discussed on this website but others are more appropriately discussed in other forums and so will not show up here in the form of a pro and con discussion.

Every aspect of a design needs to be described in sufficient detail that a knowledgable examiner can determine what constitutes compliance with the design. That level of detail is the goal toward which we strive. Where decisions on implementation have been decided or decreed they need to be documented in these design pages. Likewise, ongoing decisions may be described and explicitly left open to interpretation. Reasons for decisions may be given or not in each case. Examination, questions and comments are appropriate where things are unclear.

This will obviously be the most dynamic part of this website as development proceeds.

The design content is organized into the following categories. Suggestions for changes in the categories are invited.

  1. Adapter Boards HERE
  2. Commands HERE
  3. Mechanical HERE
  4. Network HERE
  5. Power Supplies HERE
  6. Procedures HERE
  7. Protocols HERE
  8. Software HERE

We intent to create links from content in one section to pages in other sections as needed to avoid unnecessary duplication of content. We welcome suggestions for where such links are appropriate.
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