There are so many individuals and groups that have influenced the thinking that has gone into the Robot DHQ design. It is certain that more names will appear here as they come to mind.
Wayne Salhany would like to recognize the following groups and individuals for help and encouragement over the years. Some names are "abbreviated" for privacy. If you would like your full name to be listed you may let me know.
- Freeside Atlanta (Makerspace)
- Henry Kuhlman, Physics Professor, SAU
- James H. at SPSU/Kennesaw State University
- John B, SAU
- Jud at Freeside Atlanta
- Marvin Minsky for his book, "The Society of Mind" Simon and Schuster, 1986 ed.
- Mechatronics Department at KSU
- Nathan at Freeside Atlanta
- Ray Hefferlin (dec.) Physics Professor, SAU