Command Module
Design > Software
The Command Module
The command module sends commands to other modules. An abbreviated "command" is interpreted and expanded into one or more other more detailed commands which are transmitted to specific target nodes.
The command module interprets single-character commands received on the primary serial interface of the Arduino Nano, i.e. Serial. The expanded command or commands are sent to the remote target using the SoftwareSerial library. A single keystroke can invoke a lengthy series of "lower level" commands when the command module is attached to a virtual terminal such as putty. An additional action is needed by the operator to send the command when using the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor. That would be either pressing the Enter key or clicking Send in the monitor panel.
The command module receives the response, if any, from the remote node and displays it before displaying the command menu. It then waits for the next command character.
The command module is intended to be customized by the operator to develop, test and operate the target robot and its software.