Robot DHQ

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This is the Robot Design Headquarters! I invite you to join me and create an amazing robot. Together we can do much more than we can working alone. Enjoy the creative ideas you will find here. These ideas may spark some ideas of your own! I hope you enjoy exploring is this web site.
I envision a team of robotics fans and makers with big dreams. You may be limited in terms of time or money but if you think you can contribute I hope you do so. Consider the Robot Design HQ robot design. Perhaps I can help you. Perhaps you can help me. I intend to prove that the seemingly impossible is possible with a team of determined robot enthusiasts working together. Together we will create a sophisticated powerful humanoid robot using inexpensive tools and components. Your suggestions are appreciated. Go Team!

It is natural and expected that every robot using these ideas will be unique in many ways. This website must of necessity focus on one particular implementation. My hope is that the various branches of development will work together and be compatible as much as possible. Here are a few thoughts with that in mind.

This website is a basic necessary tool that can make compatibility possible. Eventually it will need to evolve into a collaboration. The main purpose of this website is to document the Robot DHQ Vision and the various implementation detail developed as I work persistently, diligently and thoughtfully toward full implementation of the Robot DHQ Vision. I will be making regular updates to this website. Use the form on this website to let me know you want to be notified of updates. Appropriate suggestions will be accepted and incorporated into the website and design. Website content will be curated, i.e. monitored, reviewed, examined, analyzed and corrected as needed, firstly by me and later by additional experts as needed. At this point you may rightfully ask about my credentials, since at this point I am the only subject matter expert. See my LinkedIn profile HERE. Experts will be needed to added to build this into a team project. See HERE for a few thoughts on the topic of subject matter experts. As you will see we are building a particular sort of robot, a humanoid robot with a specified design, a set of documented characteristics, features and abilities. Derivative designs and many variations are to be expected but what is presented here is a singular prototype. Consult the vision as stated and presented on this web site. You need to understand the goal and the vision before you decide to spend too much time here. I don't want you to feel that you have wasted your time here.

So I suggest that you start by reading the sections fo the Vision statement, HERE. After that, specifics of design and implementation can be found HERE. This is the best way to understand the robot we are designing together. View the qualifications of our experts HERE.

Links to our favorite parts suppliers are HERE. If one of your favorite parts suppliers is not on our list, let us know. Links to our favorite robotics websites are HERE. If appropriate we will add to the list. Help us make all resources on this site EASY TO FIND. Use one of the forms on this site to send us suggestions or send us a regular email at the email address on the Contact Us page.

We think our focus is clear and easy to grasp. But we also know creating the robot of the future will not be simple. Enjoy exploring this website and be part of our team.

To summarize, we are designing a humanoid robot with human-like abilities. Thank you for visiting our website and thank you for your suggestions and support.

Development of this resouce is funded in part by our Kickstarter campaign. Details of this initiative will be posted here and elsewhere.

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